Easy Ways To Prevent and Treat Nail Fungus

Fungal infection can affect particularly the toenails. And often goes to the nail fungus requires an athlete's foot disease, which may have been paid too little attention or remained untreated.

What is nail fungus?

Toe nail fungus is caused mainly by dermatophytes. Dermatophytes can be transmitted from person to person is contagious and prefer a humid environment. A humid environment is created, for example, when sweating in shoes or in the sauna. The pathogen is on fine skin flakes, the man loses, and so on are - small cuts promote infection. As a result, developed an athlete's foot (tinea pedis), which can pull a nail fungus to be. However, it can also form without an athlete's foot disease or provoke an athlete's foot. Accordingly, often one or more toenails and affected fingernails rare - especially as fingernails grow faster, which makes the manifestation of the fungus. Under certain circumstances, conditions such as psoriasis (psoriasis) to fingernails or toenails of onychomycosis are very similar.

Factors that favor fungal nail disease

be out with infected skin flakes in contact with, such as the pool is, not to suffer from some onychomycosis. Only the interaction of several factors favoring a nail fungus disease. These include not only the wet environment or the high foot moisture and minor skin injuries in the nail area, the presence of certain diseases such as circulatory disorders or diabetes mellitus. Also play a weakened immune system, nail diseases and injuries, foot deformities and tight shoes to play an important role.

Prevention of nail fungus

One of toe nail fungus can be prevented by simple measures. This includes the thorough drying of the feet - including the toes, and interdigital spaces, the daily changes and enough hot washing the towels used, the daily changing and cleaning of socks - preferably cotton, regular care of toenails and fingernails - is sometimes the visit to a podiatrists or medical chiropodist advantageous for the use of pH-neutral soap, wearing slippers in the swimming pool and sauna, regular disinfection of footwear - preferably leather, avoidance of wearing strange shoes and too narrow shoes and the avoidance of moisture in the shoes .

Natural treatment options for toe nail fungus

To prevent the spread to other nails and contamination of other people, the treatment of onychomycosis is absolutely necessary. Conventionally, this is what various antifungals, as a tincture, cream or in tablet form, is available. The natural nail fungus treatment effects from an aim to stimulate self-healing. Beginning with the activation of the metabolism, promote blood circulation to support the immune system. This can be achieved for example by homeopathic remedies in their respective potency phyto-therapeutic agents, dabbing of tea tree oil, taking Schuessler salts such as Ferrum phos D 12, potassium phos D 6 or potassium chloratum D6 - applicable as ointments, baths with oak bark, camphor or lavender, Kneipp applications, such as changing fonts, changing arm-baths or exchange-foot baths, reflexology treatments, bowel rehabilitation, acupuncture meridians and other procedures. It should also be taken to ensure adequate fluid intake, a balanced diet and regular exercise.
In addition to treating with natural medicine, you should also consult a doctor for advice in the treatment of nail fungus.